Milton Orkopoulos jailed for 20 years over sexual abuse of boys

Milton Orkopoulos jailed for 20 years over sexual abuse of boys

Milton Orkopoulos jailed for 20 years over sexual abuse of boys

Former New South Wales Minister Milton Orkopoulos has been jailed for a maximum of 20 years following the charges of sexual abuse of boys.

Milton sexually abused four boys and drugged two of them with a psychoactive drug cannabis between 1993 and 2003. District Court Judge Jane Culver sentenced Orkopoulus to twenty years in jail with a thirteen-year non-parole period. She called his acts calculated, predatory, and manipulative.

Milton Orkopoulos jailed for 20 years

This is a second prison sentence for child sexual assault after his conviction in 2008 for similar offenses against three boys. Authorities released him on parole after the imprisonment of eleven years in December 2019. But he again committed 15 new child sex abuse offenses in 2020.

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Regarding his recent sentence, Judge Jane stated that three of the victims spoke in court about the terrible and ongoing effects on their lives including being homeless and ending up in Jail.

Jane said that Milton continues to deny committing the crimes indicating that there is no evidence of regret or apology. She added that such descriptions of severe suffering done to children are difficult to let go of. It is a continuing harm. Child sexual assault typically and tragically disrupts the lives of victims.

Milton sat silently as Judge Jane gave a verdict of a twenty-year imprisonment sentence. He did not react to his conviction. He will be eligible for parole in June 2033.

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