Japan condemns Yemen’s Houthi rebels hijack of ship in Red Sea

Japan condemns Yemen's Houthi rebels hijack of ship in Red Sea

Japan condemns Yemen’s Houthi rebels hijack of ship in Red Sea

Japan condemns Yemen’s Houthi rebels hijack of a cargo ship in the Red Sea. The Japanese Government has strongly condemned the hijacking of a Japanese-operated cargo ship in the Red Sea by Houthi militants backed by Iran.

The Yemeni group Houthi claimed that they hijacked the Israeli ship. But a Japanese spokesperson Hirokazu Matsuno claimed that the cargo ship was operated by a Japanese shipping company Nippon Yusen KK widely known as NYK Line.

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno today held a press conference in which he said that Tokyo “strongly condemns such an act“. He also said that Japan was working to get the ship released.

Furthermore, he stated that ministries and organizations such as the transport ministry and the foreign ministry are currently gathering information and coordinating with relevant countries to ensure the ship and its crew are released as soon as possible.

What did Houthi say about hijacked ship?

However, Yemen’s Houthi rebels’ military spokesperson, Yahya al-Sarea claimed the ship was Israeli and had been transferred to a Yemeni port.

Japan condemns Yemen’s Houthi rebels hijack of ship in Red Sea

The stance of the Israeli Prime Minister on the hijacked ship

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed the hijacking on Iran which backs the Houthi rebels. Mr.Benjamin claimed that neither the ship nor its crew were Israeli calling it an “Iranian attack on an International ship”.

IDF on hijacked ship

At first, Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) reported the news of a hijacked cargo ship. According to IDF, the ship was on its way from Turkey to India. When Houthis hijacked in the southern Red Sea near Yemen.

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There are estimates of about 22 passengers on board by British-owned cargo ship. Those passengers may be Bulgarians and Filipinos on board with no Japanese national among them.

The Houthis launched multiple missiles and drones against Israel just after Israel initiated its retaliatory response against the Palestinian militant group, Hamas on October 7, 2023. This current ship hijack is also a series of ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestinian-backed groups.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) called the attack on the ship a “very grave incident of global consequence”. However, IDF didn’t mention the name of a hijacked cargo ship.

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