Ex-governor of Kuzbass Aman Tuleyev died at the age of 79

Ex-governor of Kuzbass Aman Tuleyev died at the age of 79

Ex-governor of Kuzbass Aman Tuleyev died at the age of 79

There are reports that Russian ex-governor of Kuzbass region Aman Tuleyev died at the age of 79 due to long-term sickness. The current governor of Russia Sergey Tsivilev announced the news of the death of former governor Aman.

Aman Tuleyev, who headed the Kemerovo region from 1997 to 2018, died at the age of 79. The head of the region, Sergei Tsivilev, announced this on his Telegram channel.

Ex-governor of Kuzbass Aman Tuleyev died

The governor released a statement about Aman that this is an irreparable loss. A whole era in the life of our region is associated with Aman Gumirovich. He led it in difficult times when miners sat on the rails, blocking traffic on the Trans-Siberian Railway, and managed to lead it out of the crisis. the governor’s statement says.

Aman Tuleyev was governor for more than 20 years. He was second only to Yevgeny Savchenko among Russian governors. In the presidential elections of 2000, he finished fourth out of eleven contenders. Tuleyev stepped down as governor in April 2018, following the circumstances surrounding the Winter Cherry shopping complex fire.

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Aman ran for a presidential candidate in 1991 and later served as Minister of CIS (The Commonwealth of Independent States) Affairs. He led the United Russia party and received more than 50% of the votes in the parliamentary elections in 1996. He initially campaigned for regional governor in 1997 and earned 94% of the vote.

The former governor headed the Kemerovo area for 20 years till 2018. He represents an era in the region’s history during a tough time when miners were blocking the Trans-Siberian railway and he successfully managed to pull out the region out of crisis.

Aman Tuleyev received plenty of awards for his wonderful service to the Russian nation including Order of Honor and For Merit to the Fatherland’s IV and III degrees. As well as the Order of Alexander Nevsky and awards from foreign countries.

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