Italy court jails Pakistani couple for life in honor killing of daughter

Italy court jails Pakistani couple

Italy court jails Pakistani couple for life in honor killing of daughter

Italy court jails Pakistani couple for their entire life as they killed their 18-year-old daughter Saman Abbas in the name of “honor killing”. They murdered the youngest teen because she refused to arrange marriage.

The name of the murdered teenager and unlucky daughter was Saman Abbas. Her remains were discovered beneath a farmhouse in Italy after 18 months of disappearance in November 2022.

Shabbar Abbas is the father of Saman who was captured in Pakistan in August and handed over to Italy for his stand trial. However, his wife Nazia Shaheen is still an absconder as she may be hiding in Pakistan. Nazia has still received a life sentence in jail despite her absence.

Italian Union of Islamic Communities (UCOII) issued a fatwa rejecting forced marriages following the disappearance of Saman in 2021. Saman had a boyfriend in Italy. She was living under the care of social services in Bologna near her home.

Because she refused to travel to Pakistan for an arranged marriage. One day when she returned home in Novellara to collect some documents, her parents killed her for the sake of honor killing.

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In this regard, a tribunal court in Reggio Emilia in central Italy jails a Pakistani couple for the so-called honor killing of their daughter. However, Shabbar Abbas maintained his innocence in court. While talking to Italian media, he said this trial is not over. He wants to know who killed his daughter.

Danish is the brother of Shabbar and the uncle of Saman. Danish Hasnain received a 14-year sentence of life imprisonment in September 2021 for his role in the murder of Saman. Italy police arrested him in France on a European arrest warrant.

Saman Abbas emigrated from Pakistan to the agricultural village of Italy Noverella as a teenager. She began dating a man of her choice. There are reports that her snapshot of kissing her Pakistani boyfriend on a street in Bologna angered her parents.

According to Italian authorities, the parents wanted their daughter to travel to Pakistan for an arranged marriage in 2020. But she refused and this led to her death.

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