Pro-Palestine activists launched a blockade outside media outlets

Pro-Palestine activists launched blockade

Pro-Palestine activists launched a blockade outside media outlets

Pro-Palestine activists launched a blockade outside prominent Australian media outlets The Age, Nine Melbourne, and AFR in Melbourne. They have carried out the protest over “biased” coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Activists have gathered outside the offices of The Age, Nine Melbourne, and the Australian Financial Review (AFR) wearing shirts and caps labeled “PRESS”. They are holding posters with the slogan “Media silence upholds violence”.

Pro-Palestine activists are participating in the “die-in” protest and launched a blockade by lying down on the cold floor outside the The Age headquarters. A die-in is a type of protest in which participants pretend to be dead.

Die-ins are activities done by several protest groups to raise awareness about problems such as human rights etc. Free Palestine Melbourne organized this protest in the wake of the silence of Australian media on journalist deaths in Gaza.

Activists are protesting the Israel killings of 95 journalists in Gaza. They are calling on the Australian media to end its “censorship, bias, and conflicts of interest in its reporting on Palestine”.

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Although Victoria Police arrived at the protest place around 8:30 a.m. But they did not attempt to move the protestors. One of the activists Matt Hrkac said building management desperately requested police to start moving protestors. But the police seemed happy to let the protest continue.

Free Palestine Melbourne said a recent open letter by 337 Australian journalists called for unbiased and contextual reporting on Palestine. On the other hand, many members of the Australian media have accepted all-expenses paid propaganda trips to Israel. It includes The Age editor, Pat Elligett, and foreign affairs correspondent for The Australian, Ben Packham.

Furthermore, the activist group stated this creates a conflict of interest making them (journalists) unable to uphold their criteria of impartiality. Journalists have a responsibility to present the facts fairly. However, Australian media is still reporting Palestine through a biased perspective that betrays oppressed Palestine.

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