Israeli cabinet approves hostage deal with Hamas

Israeli cabinet approves hostage deal with Hamas

Israeli cabinet approves hostage deal with Hamas

Israeli cabinet approves hostage deal with a Palestinian militant group Hamas following the release of hostages from Gaza during a four-day ceasefire.

Israel and Hamas have finally reached a breakthrough agreement for a four-day ceasefire and the release of at least 50 women and children held hostages. It marks a significant peace resolution step nearly seven weeks after the conflict began resulting in a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Israeli cabinet approves hostage deal with Hamas

Qatar’s role in the Israel-Hamas deal

Qatar plays a major role in the Israel-Hamas deal. Today Qatar has released an official statement that Israel and Hamas both agreed on a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

According to this statement, Qatar would see Hamas hostages released in exchange for a number of Palestinian women and children imprisoned in Israel. Meanwhile, the ceasefire will allow more humanitarian convoys and relief aid to enter Gaza.

The starting time of the ceasefire would be announced within the next 24 hours. Lead negotiator and Qatar’s Minister Mohammed Al-Khulaifi hopes that this deal will lead to further agreement and a permanent ceasefire.

Stance of US President on truce agreement

US President Joe Biden welcomed this deal. He said he is relieved that the brave souls (hostages taken by Hamas) who have been through unspeakable sufferings will be reunited with their families once this agreement is completely implemented.

Hamas stance on a ceasefire deal

Hamas released a statement endorsing the truce agreement. It said while we announced the start of a ceasefire agreement. We affirm that our hands will stay on the trigger and our victorious battalions will remain on the lookout to defend our people.

Israeli Government on truce agreement

Israel’s Justice Ministry issued a statement on behalf of the Israeli government. It states Israel is going to return hostages held by the Israeli military.

The Israeli government has authorized the outline of the first stage of the deal. It calls for the release of at least 50 Palestinian hostages including women and children over four days.

There are estimates that Hamas is holding 240 hostages in Gaza including foreign nationals from 26 countries. The mass abductions occurred on October 7, 2023, when Hamas militants launched surprising airstrikes on Israeli Defense Forces.

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