Cole Brauer made history by sailing solo around world as 1st American

Cole Brauer made history by sailing solo

Cole Brauer made history by sailing solo around world as 1st American

Cole Brauer has made history by sailing solo, around the world as the first American woman. She returned to A Coruña, a city in Spain after her historic voyage of 130 days abroad.

Cole Brauer made history by solo sailing over 30,000 miles. She earned second place in the competitive Global Solo Challenge after Philippe Delamare. Cole expressed excitement about her remarkable achievement.

Cole wrote on her Instagram what an amazing end. So excited. Thank you to everyone who came together and made this process possible. However, she offered regular updates on her journey, which began on October 29.

Meanwhile, her Instagram followers grew from less than 100,000 to over half a million. She battled severe, huge winds along the East Hampton, N.Y. She sailed on her Class 40 sailboat named “First Light.”

Cole learned to sail at the University of Hawaii. She also shared videos of herself receiving damaged ribs after being pushed around the cabin of her boat. Afterward, medical staff gave her fluids surgically to avoid dehydration.

Her journey took her around the three great capes including Africa’s Cape of Good Hope, Australia’s Cape Leeuwin, and South America’s dangerous Cape Horn.

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In addition, she went through Point Nemo, an area in the Pacific Ocean so far from any land that the nearest humans are frequently orbiting overhead in the International Space Station.

Cole joins a group of less than 200 persons who have sailed around the world nonstop. According to a record maintained by the International Association of Cape Horners, Robin Knox-Johnson of England was the first to sail solo in 1969.

Other sailors who have sailed solo are Jeanne Socrates, Bill Hatfield, Ellen MacArthur, and Jessica Watson. It also includes Laura Dekker, Jesse Martin, Sir Francis Chichester, Mike Golding, Dee Caffari, and Jean-Luc Van Den Heede.

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