Baloch protest in Korangi against state action on Baloch marchers

Baloch protest in Korangi

Baloch protest in Korangi against state action on Baloch marchers

Thousands of Baloch people have staged a protest in Korangi, Karachi to express their solidarity with Baloch marchers in Islamabad. This largest protest of Baloch people in Korangi comes in the wake of violent arrests of Baloch marchers in Islamabad.

Islamabad police batoned charges and arrested massive people including women and men who were doing a long march towards Islamabad. This march started on Dec 6, 2023, and reached at final destination on Dec 20, 2023, in Islamabad when the state came into action and took violent action against peaceful marchers.

The long march by Baloch people took place due to enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings of Balochi people for a long time by security agents of Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Islamabad police also arrested a famous Baloch activist Dr.Mahrang Baloch alongside a large number of Balochi women. They remained in custody for one night.

Later on, government officials ordered them to be released under public pressure. However, Dr. Mahrang determined to resume her activist movement for the basic rights of Balochistan after her release from police custody.

Dr. Mahrang shared the protest scheduled to be held today in front of the Islamabad Press Club. She invited journalists, Human rights activists, and all other people to take part in their struggle.

Mahrang wrote on X those oppressing the Baloch people should open their eyes and see, at this time, the entire Balochistan is protesting from their homes. The victory will be the power of the people.

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The Baloch Yakjehti Committee has been leading a protest march from Islamabad’s National Press Club since morning. Thus, Activists linked with the Aurat March (Woman’s March) movement have staged a protest march from the Karachi Press Club in Karachi to an unknown destination.

The purpose of this protest is to condemn alleged violence against Baloch community protesters in the country. It follows mass arrests and forcible disruption of a demonstration in Islamabad on December 20.

Although, security forces have allegations of enforced disappearances in Balochistan Province. On the other hand, thousands of people have already attended similar, well-attended gatherings in Islamabad and Karachi today.

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