Islamabad High Court summons FIA & IB DGs in Audio leaks case

Islamabad High Court summons FIA

Islamabad High Court summons FIA & IB DGs in Audio leaks case

Islamabad High Court (IHC) summons Director Generals (DGs) of FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) and Intelligence Bureau (IB) in an audio leaks case. IHC has ordered them to appear in court on February 19, 2024.

The IHC issued a seven-page written order. It stressed the assurance of the Attorney General regarding the federal government’s restriction on any intelligence agency recording telephone calls. Justice Babar Sattar passed this written order.

The order challenges the source of the leaked audio published on social media. It emphasizes the significance of protecting residents’ privacy and rights. So, Islamabad High Court summons DGs of FIA and IB to ensure the protection of the basic rights of people.

The FIA asked for more time to react which prompted the court to order a thorough report. So that it identifies the social media accounts responsible for the audio leaks.

In addition, the court ordered the DG FIA to attend and explain the procedures and capacities involved in phone call surveillance and recording.

Islamabad High Court summons FIA and IB’s DGs in audio leak case

The IHC has also sent notifications to the Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA) and the ALL Pakistan Newspapers Society (APSN) asking for clarification on the role of media in airing unlawfully obtained videos or audio.

In this regard, the court has highlighted serious concerns about the constitutional consequences of capturing broadcasting citizens’ private discussions.

Thus, the court seeks clarification on whether such actions are allowed under the Constitution of Pakistan. And if not then what is the mechanism for implementing such limits?

Written court order of Islamabad High Court

Click here to find out why IHC decided not to review the plea against General Bajwa and Faiz

The Inquiry Commission presented objections before the Supreme Court bench in connection with the Audio Leak Commission Case. Meanwhile, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) submitted a report through the Ministry of Defense.

According to court order, ISI cited a lack of technology to track the source of information on social media. However, the court has ordered the ISI to conduct an investigation and report on the accounts used to distribute the audio leaks.

The Supreme Court made the Audio Leak Commission to investigate private audio leaks that surfaced on social media in May 2023. Although audio leaks involved high-profile figures including Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif, and Saqib Nisar, etc.

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