Sexual assault of Australians traveling overseas

Sexual assault of Australians traveling overseas

Sexual assault of Australians traveling overseas

The Department of Foreign Affairs has made a shocking revelation that it is aware of the sexual assault of Australians traveling overseas. Two young Australians claim they were needled and then sexually assaulted on international holidays.

Molly and Carly both feel they were sexually assaulted after needles were spiked. They believe they were drugged by a needle while on vacation in another country. They advise other international visitors to be cautious.

Needle spiking refers to the injection of a sedative or date rape drug through the needle. According to reports, it usually happens in a crowded place such as a nightclub or a festival.

There is no official data available on needle spiking incidents in Australia or among Australians living in other countries. However, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has admitted that it does occur and has lately included references to needle spiking alongside drink piking in its overseas travel guidance.

Sexual assault of Australians traveling overseas

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Disturbing revelations of Australian traveler

One of the Australian overseas travelers Molly revealed that she suspects a needle spiked her in a pub on the Greek Island of Los. She said she was there in the crowd when the lights became really bright. The victim felt like she was having an out-of-body experience. She was not able to move anything.

The next thing she remembers is two men dragging her out of the bar and into a car. Then she was brought to a residence, tied down, and raped repeatedly.

Afterward, Molly went to a nearby hospital in Greece. Hospital officials directed her to get further sexual assault tests at a nearby clinic where she went through the worst experience.

Molly wrote a letter to the Australian embassy in Greece, where she mentioned an incredibly unsafe and uncomfortable examination by medical practitioners. She said they verbally berated her and refused her supportive treatment. They forced her into very painful medical procedures against her.

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