US destroyed 80 Iranian drones, 6 missiles aimed at Israel

US destroyed 80 Iranian drones

US destroyed 80 Iranian drones, 6 missiles aimed at Israel

The US military Central Command (CENTOM) stated it destroyed 80 Iranian drones and 6 missiles fired at Israel. Iran fired these drones and ballistic missiles from Yemen and Iran towards Israel.

According to CENTOM, US forces shot down over 80 one-way attack drones. It includes seven unmanned aerial vehicles (USVs) targeted on the ground before launch.

CENTOM stated on Twitter X that the continued unthinkable, malign, and reckless behavior of Iran endangers regional stability and the safety of U.S. coalition forces.

It also said CENTOM is still prepared to help Israel defend itself against these risky Iranian attacks. They will keep collaborating with all their regional partners to improve regional security.

However, the US CENTOM destroyed 80 Iranian drones and 6 missiles after Iran initiated attacks on Israeli territory on late Saturday, April 13, 2024. Iran’s attack on Israel came in a retaliatory response to a suspected Israeli attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria.

The US, its allies, or Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system shot down more than 300 drones and missiles at Iran’s embassy. This attack resulted in minor damage.

Click here to read why the US and Qatar agree to block Iran’s $6bn funds.

However, US President Joe Biden appreciated US forces for their extraordinary skills in helping Israel destroy nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles.

Although he warned that the US would not support any retaliatory action launched by the Israeli government against Iran. He only offered US support for Israel’s right to self-defense as “ironclad.”

US Secretary Defense Lloyd Austin said US forces remain prepared to protest its troops and partners in the region. And provide further support for Israel’s defense and enhance regional stability.

The Middle East region is on edge due to the possibility of an all-out conflict between Iran and Israel. It has urged the call for peace from major powers and neighbors in the Middle East.

United Nations secretary-general, Antonio Guterres issued a warning saying that the Middle East was in danger. He met the UN Security Council and also said the people of the Middle East are at grave risk of a catastrophic, all-out war. Hence, the time has come to calm down and resolve the situation.

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