US and Qatar agree to block Iran’s $6bn funds?

US and Qatar agree to block Iran's $6bn funds

US and Qatar agree to block Iran’s $6bn funds?

After Anthony Blinken’s press Conference, there are speculations that the governments of the US and Qatar agree to block Iran’s $6bn funds. It was part of a prisoner swap deal between the Biden administration and Iran. This deal was made on Sep 18, 2023.

Qatar mediated a deal between the US and Iran facilitating the exchange of five prisoners each. The main objective of this deal was to release Iran’s $6 billion in frozen funds. However, recent speculations have emerged, suggesting that the US and Qatar might have reached an agreement not to release these funds. This alleged decision is believed to be linked to Iran’s support for the Palestinian group HAMAS during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Executive Producer of NBC News, Kyle Griffin confirmed this news.

According to the prisoner swap deal, five Americans with dual nationality were to leave Iran for Qatar’s capital Doha, and then fly to the United States. In return, five Iranians held in the United States are to be released.

Read How Iran and the US reached the prisoner swap deal 

Why US and Qatar block Iran’s $6bn funds?

As per various sources and CNN, American government official and Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo revealed to Hakeem Jeffries and the House Democrats that Iran’s funds held in Qatar are to be freeze due to the attack of HAMAS on Israel.

US and Qatar agree to block Iran’s $6bn funds

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The ongoing Israel-Palestian conflict has directly affected the US and Iran diplomatic relationship. U.S. officials claim that Iran provided weapons and trained militants of HAMAS. They blame Iran for its involvement in the launched attack of HAMAS on Israel and thus blocked Iran’s funds. While there is no evidence of Iran’s direct role in the fierce attack on Israel.

The negotiation between the US and Iran took years to reshape the bilateral relations between both countries. Qatar also played a mediated role in establishing peaceful conciliation between the US and Iran. Recently, the denial of Biden’s administration and Qatar to aid funds to Iran has put a break on building a correlation between both countries.

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