Train engine trial killed people in Rayagada district, Odisha

Train engine trial killed people

Train engine trial killed people in Rayagada district, Odisha

A train engine on a trial run between Rayagada and Singhupur railway stations killed people in Rayagada district, Odisha state. This incident happened at night on Jan 24, 2024.

According to East Coast Railway officials, the dead people were seated on the third railway track between Rayagada and Singhupur rail station. When a test train engine near Debadala killed them instantly.

The two laborers who died were working on the railway track that was under construction. Among the dead workers are Amisirao Pulaka and Shivana Kahraka from Debadalguda village, Rayagada district.

According to sources, a train engine traveling on the third railway track at Pole No 335 in Devdalguda ran over them. The unfortunate workers were sitting on the railway track when the speed-maker trial engine struck them. Meanwhile, both died on the spot.

Other workers urged that the government must facilitate the families of the dead people to cover their losses. Shortly after the accident, hundreds of local villagers blocked the railway tracks demanding compensation for the relatives of the people killed in the train engine trial.

Afterward, Railway Safety Commissioner Brijesh Kumar Mishra visited the freshly constructed railway truck to assess progress this morning.

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However, neither the police nor the railway authority have issued any statements regarding the deaths. Before this incident, authorities found the body of a home guard on the tracks about 50 yards from Rayadaga railway station on Dec 18, 2023.

The dead guard was on duty at the house of the Superintendent of Police (SP) in the Rayadaga district. Moreover, he had a cut mark on his neck.

Apart from this, the state of Odisha has proved the deadliest spot in terms of tragic train incidents. A fatal triple train accident happened in June 2023 near Bahanaga Bazaar station in Balasore district. It resulted in massive death casualties of 288 and 900 injured people.

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