President Jokowi awards Title of National Hero to six-figures

President Jokowi awards Title of National Hero to six-figures

President Jokowi awards Title of National Hero to six-figures

The Indonesian President Joko Widodo also known as Jokowi awards the Title of National Hero to six figures in 2023. The awarding ceremony took place at the State Palace in Jakarta today.

The ceremony was in accordance with Presidential Decree Number 115/TK/Year 2023 on the Awarding of National Hero Titles. These titles were stipulated in Jakarta on November 6, 2023.

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A statement from the Presidential Decree was written as an award and high respect for his extraordinary services. Who during his lifetime had led and carried out armed struggles or political struggles or struggles in other fields to achieve, seize, defend, and fill independence. As well as realize national unity and integrity.

President Jokowi tweeted about the Heroes 2023 ceremony. He prayed that the spirits of national heroes to find a spacious place next to the Creator!

President Jokowi awards Title of National Hero to six-figures

The six people honored with the status of national hero in the commemoration of Heroes’ Day 2023 include the late Ida Dewa Agung Jambe of Bali province and the late Bataha Santiago of North Sulawesi province.

Likewise, the late Mohammad Tabrani of East Java province and the late Ratu Kalinyamat of Central Java province. The other two have the late K.H. Abdul Chalim of West Java Province and the late K.H. Ahmad Hanafiah of Lampung Province.

The heirs of nominated heroes attended the ceremony as the representatives of the honorees. Amie Primarni said remembering her father, you don’t want to be “inlander”. We have to be number one in our own country. Ammie is the daughter of Mohammad Tabrani Soerjowitjirto.

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