Over 200000 displaced by Myanmar fighting near China border

Over 200000 displaced by Myanmar fighting near China border

Over 200000 displaced by Myanmar fighting near China border

Over 200000 people have been displaced by Myanmar fighting near the China border. It happened when an alliance of ethnic minority groups launched an offensive against the military of Myanmar.

Fighting has erupted in the northern Shan state near the Chinese border since October 27 amid attacks on the military (junta) by the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and Arakan Army (AA).

The alliance has seized a border crossing and closed important trade links to China. Analysts believe it is the largest military challenge to the junta since it took power in 2021.

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), “more than 200,000 people” have been “forcibly displaced due to the fighting” covering Shan, Chin, and Kayah. As well as Mon states and the Sagaing region.

Over 200000 displaced by Myanmar fighting near China border

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According to early reports from the field, at least 75 civilians, including children, have been killed and 94 have been injured in the battle.

UN report states that both sides have put up checkpoints on routes in Shan state that they control. Mobile communication remains uneven outside the main city of Lashio, preventing assistance distribution.

According to the UN report, the junta has declared martial law in various townships across the state. It has complicated rescue efforts even further. The rough, jungle-clad region’s distance and poor connectivity make it difficult to confirm casualty figures.

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