Melbourne Court jailed Fake Uber driver for sexually assault women

Melbourne Court jailed fake Uber driver

Melbourne Court jailed Fake Uber driver for sexually assault women

A County Court in Melbourne has jailed a fake Uber driver Francesco De Luise for eight years for three sexual assault incidents on women. Francesco sexually abused three young women who thought he was an Uber driver. The victim women later told police that Francesco had been framed as a driver.

Francesco De Luise pleaded guilty in court. However, the court declined his plea and charged him for six sex offenses. His charges include rape, sexual assault, and sexual activity forcibly at women.

Judge John Smallwood jailed fake Uber driver Francesco for eight and a half years sentence at Melbourne County Court. He said crime was worse because the young women were entirely vulnerable and couldn’t get away. Each of the victims was alone, drunk, and effectively in circumstances where they found themselves trapped.

Furthermore, Judge John remarked he was not saying women were tricked into getting into the car but they thought they were in Uber. He addressed Franscesco and said you knew the women thought they were in Uber.

The law enforcement officials told in court, 60-year-old Francesco picked up three drunk young women in three separate incidents between 2021 and 2022.

All three victim women were waiting for a rideshare outside popular Melbourne nightclubs when Francesco approached them. He would begin molesting the women shortly after driving away from the crowded places.

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Francesco De Luise targeted the first victim after leaving the Retro Club in Melbourne’s central business district. He started sexually exploiting her after she fought him off.

The second victim fell into Francesco’s trap while walking along St Kilda Road. She mistook his black Toyota Hilux for the Uber she had requested. Francesco informed the victim the back door had broken and that she should get in front.

Afterward, he started sexually assaulting her while the victim fiercely resisted him. Francesco took her snapshot and drove away. However, he picked up the third victim outside a Richmond Hotel making himself an Uber driver hired by the victim’s boyfriend.

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