Indian Parliament Attack: Major Security Breach in Lok Sabha

Indian Parliament Attack: Major Security Breach in Lok Sabha

Indian Parliament Attack: Major Security Breach in Lok Sabha

A major security breach in the Indian Parliament Lok Sabha occurred on the 22nd anniversary of the deadliest militant attack on India’s Parliament in 2001. The Parliament was conducting the 22nd anniversary of the 2001 Parliament attacks when two men jumped into the House and disrupted the proceedings.

The Parliament had a severe security breach when two persons jumped into the Lok Sabha chamber from the public gallery number four at around 1 p.m. They also chanted slogans such as ‘tanashahi nahi chalegi’ (dictatorship will not be allowed).

According to officials, the two rioters released gas cylinders that generated smoke within the Parliament building. Afterward, they yelled shouts such as “Tanashahi Nahi Chalegi”, “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” and “Jai Bheem, Jai Bharat”.

As MPs hurried for safety, the House was quickly adjourned. This surprising incident came on a day when the Indian nation was observing the anniversary of the 2001 Parliament attack.

Trinamool Congress leader Kakoli Dastidar said unknown individuals jumped from the gallery. There is more than one person. They started shouting slogans and spraying gas.

Gurugram ACP (Crime) Varun Dahiya says the investigation is now underway. They have arrested four suspects in connection with the Parliament security breach incident. They are collecting evidence and they will share the information with Delhi Police.

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What is the 2001 Indian Parliament Attack?

The 2001 Indian Parliament attack occurred on December 13, 2001, at the Indian Parliament in New Delhi, India. Six Delhi Police officers, two Parliament Security Service officers, and a gardener were killed in the incident. Five gunmen carried out this attack. Indian Security forces killed all five of the attackers.

Indian authorities blamed the incident on Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), two militant groups based in Pakistan. However, LeT denied its involvement in this attack.

The incident heightened tensions between India and Pakistan, resulting in the India-Pakistan military standoff in 2001-2002. As a result, both countries’ military forces were gathered around the India-Pakistan border and in the disputed territory of Kashmir. This was the two countries’ second major military standoff since they had openly disclosed their nuclear capabilities.

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