Ex-Colonel charged for sharing US secrets on foreign dating site

Ex-Colonel charged with sharing US secrets

Ex-Colonel charged for sharing US secrets on foreign dating site

Ex-colonel and Air Force employee, David Franklin Slater has been arrested and charged with sharing US secrets on a foreign dating website. David worked for the US Strategic Command (Stratcom), which managed the country’s nuclear missile stockpile until 2022.

Police arrested David on March 2, 2024, in Nebraska. Today, they will present him in court. According to officials, David illegally distributed documents that may cause damage to the United States.

Meanwhile, the revealed charging documents of David claim that the ex-colonel shared information he learned from confidential Stratcom briefings about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with a person he believed to be a lady in Ukraine.

Prosecutors claimed someone regularly inquired David about US national defense secrets in message exchanges. Hence, they revealed the text of one of the sent messages. The text was “Dear, what does it show on the screens in the special room? It is interesting. You are my secret agent.”

Furthermore, the contact requested information about a certain country in messages. However, the investigators have hidden the name of the precise country the contact inquired about in the message.

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The contact wrote in subsequent texts my sweet Dave, thanks for the valuable information. You are my secret informant, love. However, records do not show who David was contacting or the name of the overseas dating service.

The FBI and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations examined the case of David Franklin Slater. According to US attorney Susan Lehr for the District of Nebraska, David has one count charge of conspiracy. In addition, he has two counts of unauthorized sharing of national defense information.

If ex-colonel David Franklin is charged with sharing US secrets on a foreign dating site, he may face a ten-year prison sentence. However, it is unclear whether David has hired a lawyer who can speak on his behalf.

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