Argentina storm and heavy winds killed several people

Argentina storm and heavy winds

Argentina storm and heavy winds killed several people

The storm brought heavy rain and winds of 150km/h to the port city of Bahia Blanca in Argentina which killed several people. This intense storm was initiated on December 16, 2023, damaging buildings and causing power cut-offs before moving towards the capital city of Buenos Aires yesterday.

There are reports that fourteen people have died due to life-threatening storms and heavy winds which created havoc in eastern Argentina. Another two death causalities happened in the neighboring country Uruguay.

Authorities on Bahia Blanca storm

Bahia Blanca Mayor Federico Susbielles has declared public mourning for 72 hours throughout the Bahía Blanca district as a sign of respect for the fatal victims of the climate catastrophe.

Mayor Federico stated that they visited sectors affected by the storm. They talked with neighbors and supervised the work of the different teams. They spoke with leaders of the Estudiantes club about the enormous damage that their infrastructure suffered. And how to get going to begin the reconstruction.

According to officials, the storm hit part of the roof of a sports center Estudiantes Club in Bahia Blanca. It collapsed during a skating competition and killed 14 people.

As a result of the storm, there were more than fourteen injured people. Emergency services started to rescue and release trapped people trapped beneath the rubble.

Afterward, different areas of Buenos Aires were under an Orange weather alert which indicates a threat to life and property. Local media published footage that showed a parked plane at Aeroparque Airport being pushed by winds near Buenos Aires.
A storm at International Aeroparque Airport in Buenos Aires pushed a parked airplane

This storm comes just after a week Javier Milei assumed the office as new President of Argentina. He traveled to Bahia Blanca with several ministers to assess the damage. He said he wants to highlight in the face of these adverse effects, Argentines always show that we bring out the best in themselves.

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Alberto Fernandez also expressed his condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims of the tornado that hit Bahía Blanca. Alberto is a former President of Argentina.

He stated that the government must help these families and all those who have been affected by such a tremendous storm.

Uruguay authorities said the storm also affected Uruguay tearing off roofs and toppling trees. They reported the deaths of two Uruguayans.

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