A total fire ban for Greater Sydney areas as bushfire danger grows

A total fire ban for Greater Sydney areas as bushfire danger grows

A total fire ban for Greater Sydney areas as bushfire danger grows

New South Wales Rural Fire Services (NSW RF) has announced a total fire ban for Greater Sydney areas and Greater Hunter as bushfire danger grows. The extremely hot, dry, and windy weather conditions in these areas raise the fire danger rating to extreme.

According to NSW RF, the danger rating of fire has increased from high to extreme in the region of Greater Hunter and Greater Sydney.

High alerts for Greater Sydney and Greater Hunter

The majority of New South Wales including Greater Sydney and Greater Hunter is on high alert today. However, the two most largely populated regions have had their danger level raised owing to hot, dry, and windy conditions.

The RFS described the requirements for a total fire ban on social media and warned the public that it is up to them to prevent a fire from starting and spreading. A total fire ban for Greater Sydney and Greater Hunter means no open fires including no burning of coal, wood, and gas fires.

According to NSW RF, high temperatures and high winds are ideal conditions for a fire blaze. Recent storms carrying lightning have already caused fires in the southwest state. Rural Fire Servies (RFS) is expecting the storms to travel eastward to the Greater Dividing Range.

A total fire ban for Greater Sydney areas as bushfire danger grows
NSW RF has issued a total fire ban for different areas of Greater Sydney and Greater Hunter

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Furthermore, there is no significant rainfall to battle these storms which increases the risk of a fire expanding significantly. There are suggestions to move any flammable materials at least two meters away.

Fire extinguishing service authorities have supplied the residents of this region with a continuous supply of water. Such as a hose is available nearby. They have suspended fire licenses on total fire ban days and operations such as welding.

The Greater Sydney fire danger rating is likely to drop to “moderate” on December 16, 2023. But the fire danger for Greater Hunter will stay high.

Remember to call Triple Zero (000) immediately if you see an unattended fire. Visit the State’s Rural Fire Service’s website here for more information on the Danger Ratings and current risks.

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