Korean Scientists develop new technology to replace SF6

Korean Scientists develop new technology to replace SF6

Korean Scientists develop new technology to replace SF6

Korean Scientists achieve a milestone as they develop a new technology to replace SF6 which is a major cause of Global warming. They have developed an eco-friendly “K6” insulating gas as a long-term alternative to the harmful sulfur hexafluoride “SF6”.

The Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) has produced “K6” which has low global warming potential and is non-toxic.

K6 has been successfully applied to ultra-high voltage circuit breakers. It is predicted to revolutionize the power equipment field by reducing glasshouse gas emissions and contributing to climate change prevention.

Korean Scientists develop new technology to replace SF6

Why did Korea need to replace SF6 with K6 gas?

KERI has created a ground-breaking “eco-friendly insulating gas K6” to replace toxic SF6. SF6 is a major contributor to global warming in electric power equipment as well as a design technology to make it applicable to ultra-high voltage transmission circuit breakers.

Power devices must, of course, be able to conduct electricity properly. However, an “insulation” capability to block electricity is also required to prepare for unexpected incidents and for safety reasons.

SF6 gas has been utilized in the power equipment area for over 50 years. Because it offers great insulation and significantly superior arc extinguishing capability than any other gas which blocks fault current in the case of a system failure.

Korean Scientists develop new technology to replace SF6

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However, the global warming potential of SF6 is 23,500 times that of carbon dioxide. Once in the atmosphere, it can remain for up to 3,2000 years and have a severe effect on the environment.

Because SF6 gas accounts for 60% of total KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) glasshouse gas emissions. So there was an urgent need for an alternative research development to respond to the climate problem and attain carbon neutrality.

In this regard, Korean scientists developed an alternative K6 insulating gas that is environmentally neutral and friendly. It has a global warming potential of less than one and contains no major toxic ingredients.

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