Google is shutting down Google Play Movies and TV app

Google is shutting down Google Play Movies and TV app

Google is shutting down Google Play Movies and TV app

The American multinational tech company Google is about to fully move on from the Google Play Movies and TV app as it is shutting down. It had already shifted Android and iOS users to the Google TV app.

Google removed this app from all Roku devices, most smart TVs, and Android TVs in October. However, in a recently published support page, Google outlined how you will be able to watch the series and movies you have purchased on Google Play Movies and TV once it will be no longer available in January.

Google is shutting down Google Play Movies and TV app

Google Play Movies & TV will be available till Jan 17

According to Google, if you have an Android-powered TV or streaming device, you may watch stuff you have purchased or want to rent from the Shop page beginning January 17th.

If you have a cable box or a set-up box that runs Android TV, you will be able to watch or rent from the YouTube app. YouTube is also a good location to go in a browser.

Google is shutting down Google Play Movies and TV app
Cable boxes or set-up top boxes powered by Android TV can be viewed on the YouTube app

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Google has been gradually moving people away from Google Play Movies and TV for quite some time. 9to5Google reports that Google Play Movies and TV has already begun referring to the Shop tab. Hopefully, these changes won’t be too abrupt.

It is important to note that you will be able to watch stuff you have purchased. Even if you receive them from another source. It is better than Sony’s announcement that it will remove Discovery content that consumers paid for from their libraries.

Google is not the only company that is combining its entertainment apps and other platforms. Apple released a new TV app that allows users to access Apple TV Plus. As well as buy and rent episodes and movies all in one app.

However, Google has not specified a reason for shutting down Google Play Movies and TV apps. It seems this decision is part of Google’s broader strategy to merge its streaming services under the YouTube brand.

So, what are your thoughts on this change? Share your opinions in the comments section below and stay tuned to TabloidPk for more tech news like this.

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