Police cracked down on PTI rallies during election campaign

Police cracked down on PTI rallies

Police cracked down on PTI rallies during election campaign

Punjab, KPK, and Sindh police have cracked down on PTI rallies in major cities Lahore, Karachi, and Peshawar during the election campaign. PTI launched massive rallies in response to imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s call for demonstrations ahead of elections.

Police cracked down and arrested several PTI supporters and leaders while attempting to organize rallies in several cities. The party candidates also claimed that police raided their election offices, seized party material, and destroyed banners and pana-flexes to threaten party workers and voters.

The violent fights broke out between PTI activists and police near Clifton Teen Talwar. This clash turned the region into a battleground. Karachi police arrested more than 20 PTI workers to hold a public rally.

In addition, PTI workers organized rallies throughout Peshawar, especially on Ring Road. The police arrested 30 people from Pahari Pura, Faqieerabad, Sharqi, Khazana, and Sarband.

Apart from this, Punjab Police arrested former Punjab governor and PTI candidate Mian Muhammad Azhar for NA-129 in Lahore when he attempted to lead an election rally in his constituency.

His son and PTI Central Punjab General Secretary Hammad Azhar, Hammad Azhar, took to X and wrote police arrested his 82-year-old father. He wanted to lead a rally on his democratic and constitutional rights.

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Hammad wrote Pakistan has now been reduced to a total fascist state with no human rights or rule of law. One Nawaz Sharf and his daughter are calling the shots. They are ruining the country.

However, Mian Azhar said he did not commit any crime. His only offense was organizing an election rally ahead of elections following his release.

Moreover, he criticized the apparent inequality in the political arena. He said all parties are allowed to hold rallies and public gatherings except PTI. According to Azhar, the so-called caretaker government is in reality, the PDM (Pakistan Democratic Movement) government serving the interests of its masters.

Meanwhile, Imran Khan has expressed confidence in his party’s success despite the hurdles in the forthcoming general elections. He claims that PTI voters remain unconcern about such tactics.

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