Pakistan’s changes in gas pipeline disappoint Russia

Pakistan's changes in gas pipeline disappoint Russia

Pakistan’s changes in gas pipeline disappoint Russia

Pakistan’s changes in the Pakistan-Russia Stream Gas Pipeline project disappoint Russia over the response of Islamabad towards it.

Moscow expressed its disappointment and frustration due to later changes in the structure of the project several times. But not making progress on the commercial deal amid US sanctions on entities of Russia.

Pakistan’s changes in gas pipeline disappoint Russia

According to the Gas Stream Pipeline project, there had to be a liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline from Karachi to Lahore to overcome the issue of gas shortage in the province of Punjab.

The Pakistani delegate visited Moscow on Oct 10, 2023. The Gas Steam Pipeline project was part of their agenda along with the long-term oil deal.

The Express Tribune claims based on its sources that the Pakistani delegate had to face an embarrassing moment when it represented the pipeline project matter before the Russians during their talks in Russia. When the Pakistani delegate wanted to speak on the gas pipeline project, Russians even refused to talk about it.

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Furthermore, Russians advised Pakistanis to resolve the problems over the structure of the pipeline project. At the beginning of the project, Russia nominated RT Global to complete the project while Pakistan nominated Inter State Gas Systems (ISGS).

After the nomination of the Russian government in early 2016, the United States of America imposed sanctions on RT Global. It left the pipeline project in the doldrums. At that time, the name of the project was North-South Gas Pipeline.

Since that time, Russia and Pakistan have made changes in the structure of the pipeline almost six times. But both countries were unable to find any way to complete it.

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