NAB Arrested Parvez Elahi’s Principal Secretary

NAB arrested Parvez Elahi's Principal Secretary

NAB Arrested Parvez Elahi’s Principal Secretary

NAB arrested Parvez Elahi’s Principal Secretary, Muhammad Khan Bhatti due to his involvement in various charges. This arrest is in connection with a Rs1 billion corruption investigation. The accusations of misusing authority and illegal recruitment in Gujrat and other cities are on Bhatti. His arrest comes only a day after Elahi was controversially held captive by Islamabad police.

NAB Arrested Parvez Elahi’s Principal Secretary – Source (HUM News)

With court authorization, the NAB team interviewed Bhatti in Gujranwala prison and handed him with NAB arrest warrants. The principal Secretary reportedly manipulated appointments and promotions in the Punjab Highways Department. He, Elahi, and others reportedly authorized road construction projects in exchange for bribes and kickbacks.

Read the full The Express Tribune’s Report on NAB Takes Elahi’s Principal Secretary into Custody from Jail here

Alleged Bhatti with the help of former Punjab Chief Minster, Pervaiz Elahi used influence and position to appoint their confidant Mahr Azmat Hayat as Executive Engineer of Punjab Highways Department Gujrat Division.

NAB officials claim that Pervaiz Elahi and his son, Moonis Elahi took the bribes through Hayat. Muhammad Khan Bhatti and Sohail Asghar Awan (principal secretary of Moonis Elahi) also took bribes.

Those who are allegedly on the receiving end of the illegal payments include Elahi, Moonis Elahi, and Bhatti. The NAB took Bhatti into custody from jail, and he will appear before the court in Lahore for further procedures.

Muhammad Khan Bhatti will be presented before an accountability court in Lahore for physical remand.

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