Khadija Shah released as Quetta Court granted her post-arrest bail

Khadija Shah released

Khadija Shah released as Quetta Court granted her post-arrest bail

PTI activist Khadija Shah has been released on the order of a local court in Quetta and granted her post-arrest bail. She has accusations of involvement in the May 9 riots.

Quetta police presented Khadija before an anti-terrorism court (ATC) judge in Quetta. Quetta police arrested her two weeks ago on charges of murder. She had also been accused of an attempted murder in connection with the May 9 violent protests.

According to Quetta police, Khadija was one of the organizers of the mob that stormed the Lahore corps commander’s house, the Askari Tower, and set fire to police cars in the cantonment area.

Syed Iqbal Shah a lawyer of Khadija in the alleged case. Iqbal maintained that his client was innocent and had no involvement in the disturbances.

He said that Khadija was the victim of political revenge and powerful ones made charges against her. He disputed her arrest and asked the court to release her on bail.

After hearing both sides’ arguments, the court granted Shah’s bail plea and ordered her release. The court also ordered Khadija to cooperate with the police investigation and to appear in court when summoned.

Click here to read the updates on Quetta Police arrested Khadija Shah on a three-day remand

Khadija Shah got out of jail after serving a 6-day remand. The court found a lack of evidence provided by authorities in the case. Quetta Police held remand for her alleged role in the May 9 incidents on Dec 12, 2023. They transported her from Lahore to Quetta on transit remand.

The charges against her came from burning and vandalism at Lahore’s Jinnah House. Police officials said they released Khadija Shah due to insufficient proof relating her to the alleged illegal actions on the May 9 riots.

In addition to PTI activist, Khadija Shah is a famous Pakistani American fashion designer. She faced an eight-month imprisonment in Lahore and then in Quetta.

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