IHC not to review plea against General Bajwa and Faiz

IHC not to review plea against General Bajwa and Faiz

IHC not to review plea against General Bajwa and Faiz

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has decided not to review the plea against Former General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Faiz Hameed. Qamar Javed Bajwa is the former Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan while Faiz Hameed is the former director general of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

IHC had to review the plea against the ex-army chief and former ISI head tomorrow November 28, 2023. However, the court has removed this case from its cause list today.

What is a petition against former army generals?

A Pakistani citizen named Muhammad Ali Atif petitioned the file against former Army Generals. His petition demanded the beginning of criminal proceedings against Mr. Bajwa and Mr.Faiz. According to the court’s cause list, Chief Justice of IHC Aamer Farooq had to conduct the hearing of this petition.

However, the cause list regarding the petition on the official website of IHC was removed which means the hearing to review the plea against army personnel will not take place tomorrow.

Petitioner in his plea asked the court to order the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to open a criminal inquiry into retired General Bajwa and Lieutenant General (retd) Faiz. They have accusations of breaking the legal barrier and misrepresenting various events after retirement.

IHC not to review plea against General Bajwa and Faiz

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The Petitioner stated that these interviews constituted a criminal act under the guise of freedom of speech. According to the petitioner, the rating-driven articles based on the ex-general’s interviews painted a negative picture of governmental institutions.

The petitioner quoted the interview of former General Bajwa. Journalists Shahid Maitla and Javed Chaudhary conducted his interviews which the petitioner described as “reckless”. As journalists did not express any sense of responsibility in publishing it.

According to the petition, the Bajwa’s revelations in the interviews violated the Official Secrets Act which contributed to inciting revolt and chaos.

In the alleged interviews, Bajwa reportedly discussed the no-confidence motion against former prime minister Imran Khan and civil-military relations.

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