Nigerian Army arrested six operators of illegal oil refinery in Rivers

Nigerian Army arrested six operators

Nigerian Army arrested six operators of illegal oil refinery in Rivers

The Nigerian Army has arrested six operators of illegal oil refinery in Odogwa Town in Etche, Local Government Area of Rivers State.

According to the Nigerian Army, they arrested six operators at an illegal oil refinery. They may produce three million liters of contaminated petroleum products in a few days.

It is a handmade refining plant that covers more than 40 plots of land. The arrested operators hid it purposefully beneath thick forest cover to avoid aircraft monitoring.

Major Gen. Jamaal Abdussalam took reporters to the relevant location at the Odagwa town in the Etche. Jamaal is the general officer commanding (GOC) of the Nigeria Army’s 6 Division.

He said Investigations showed that the unlawful refinery’s operators were stealing crude oil from a wellhead at the neighborhood’s Imo River 2 Oil and Gas Oil Field. Even a helicopter or drone cannot see what they have observed on the ground because trees surround the illegal refinery.

Furthermore, he claimed that this operation was conducted in response to reliable intelligence that guided them to the Odagwa site. They discovered several illegal activities there.

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According to Jamaal, the military discovered more than 14 reservoirs during the raid, each of which could hold more than 200,000 liters of crude oil at the illegitimate refinery.

They also found approximately 49 boilers. It could process crude oil along with wires, equipment, and a system of interconnected pipes.

Jamaal also said it is incredibly pitiful and sad that the quantity of crude oil they found there exceeds Nigeria’s daily crude exports.

They also discovered several wellheads, the majority of which are not in use. The wellheads are close to the refining site on the opposite side of the bridge.

Moreover, Jamal added these people (oil thieves) install pipes to siphon crude oil from these functioning wellheads. The GOC cleared that stealing crude oil in the country harmed the business. As well as the quality of life for the people who live there.

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