Indonesia’s Merapi volcano eruption killed several hikers

Indonesia's Merapi volcano eruption killed several hikers

Indonesia’s Merapi volcano eruption killed several hikers

Several hikers have been killed as a result of Indonesia’s Merapi volcano eruption in central Java which took place on Sunday. Rescuers saved the lives of three hikers today.

Authorities have postponed the search for the other missing 12 hikers due to a minor eruption. Those hikers have gone missing. At the time of the eruption, there were 75 hikers in the area. But the majority were safely evacuated.

Mount Merapi erupted ash as high as 3km which is approximately 9,800 ft into the air yesterday. It is one of the 127 active volcanoes of Indonesia.

Indonesia’s Merapi volcano eruption killed eleven hikers

Indonesian authorities have issued the second-highest alert level and have prevented locals from approaching the crater of Mount Merapi within 3 kilometers.

The Padang National Search and Rescue Agency reported that they found 75 climbers trapped when Mount Marapi in West Sumatra erupted on Sunday. They evacuated safely a total of 49 climbers on Sunday.

Meanwhile, the chief of Padang Search, Abdul Malik said that they found 11 climbers dead and 3 other climbers were safe. There are still 12 other climbers missing.

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The video footage from Sunday’s eruption showed a massive cloud of volcanic ash sweeping across the sky. The automobiles and roadways in the surrounding region were blanketed in ash.

Rescue personnel took turns bringing the dead and injured down the mountain’s difficult terrain and onto ambulances with sirens roaring.

Mount Merapi stands 2,891 meters (2,891 feet) tall in westernmost Sumatra Island of Indonesia. Indonesia is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire where continental plates collide. It results in intense volcanic and seismic activity.

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