ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants of Benjamin Netanyahu & Hamas leaders

ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants of Benjamin Netanyahu

ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants of Benjamin Netanyahu & Hamas leaders

ICC top chief prosecutor Karim Khan seeks arrest warrants of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar for war crimes. Their arrest warrant came as part of charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the October 7 attacks on Israel and the initiation of war in Gaza.

Karim Khan announced he applied for arrest warrants for Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. He also applied for warrants against two other prominent Hamas figures, including Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammad Diab Ibrahim al-Masri.

Ismail is the political head of Hamas and Mohammad Daib is the commander of Al Qassem Brigades Hamas. Mohammad Daib is also popularly known as Mohammad Deif.

However, this ICC announcement is separate from the case of ICJ over South Africa’s claim. That states Israel violated its commitments under the Genocide Convention during its attack on Gaza.

ICJ refers to the International Court of Justice. ICC and ICJ are different as the ICC brings war crime cases against individuals. However, the ICJ settles legal issues between governments.

South Africa brought genocide case against Israel to ICJ attributing it to the massacre of Gaza people on Dec 29, 2023

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Meanwhile, Hamas condemned the ICC prosecutor’s application to request arrest warrants for its leaders in a statement. They also accused Karim Khan of attempting to “equate the victim with the executioner.” It also demanded Karim Khan withdraw his arrest warrant call against Benjamin and Yaov as it came seven months late.

However, ICC prosecutor Karim Khan seeks arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu, a top official of a close ally of the United States. It is the first time the ICC intends to take legal action against the Israeli authorities.

This strict decision came in the aftermath of massive deaths and a humanitarian crisis going on between Israel and Hamas. Israeli attacks on Gaza have resulted in at least 35,562 deaths and 79,652 injuries since October 7. There have been 1,139 deaths in Israel as a result of Hamas attacks.

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