Denmark’s Old Stock Exchange tower collapsed due to massive fire

Denmark's Old Stock Exchange tower collapsed

Denmark’s Old Stock Exchange tower collapsed due to massive fire

One of the most famous sites, Denmark’s Old Stock Exchange building “Borsen” Tower collapsed due to a massive fire outbreak in Copenhagen. Stock Exchange staff and neighboring residents are rushing to save paintings and other historic items from the flames.

The video showed huge clouds of black smoke rising from a famous building in Copenhagen while emergency workers rushed to incident places to rescue people and building items.

A head of the Copenhagen fire department told media reporters that the fire started around 8:30 a.m. Just before 11 a.m., the fire had destroyed almost half of the 17th-century old Boren building.

An executive director at the Greater Copenhagen Fire and Rescue Service said they have tried to save all historic paintings inside the building and the historic furniture. He also said it was too early for them to tell what caused the fire.

The cops in Copenhagen have told people to stay away from the area. However, the authorities have not yet found any death report. According to a police spokesperson, people were in the building when the fire started, but they evacuated all people successfully.

The spokesperson also said military troops were at the scene to help fight the fire. The prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, stated that a “piece of Danish history” was on fire. The building’s cultural property was “irreplaceable.

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Passengers and bystanders were surprised when Denmark’s Old Stock Exchange building’s iconic 56-meter spire (tower) collapsed. This historic spire formed like the tail of four interconnected dragons.

Since the 1600s, the Børsen building has been the center of Denmark’s business. The old stock market was built in 1625 and is only a short walk from Christiansborg Palace.

Borsen building has a Dutch Renaissance architectural style at the request of King Christian IV. Authorities recently renovated its front and protected it with scaffolding and other coverings.

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