A massive fire broke out in a paint factory in Dandenong South

A massive fire broke out in a paint factory in Dandenong South

A massive fire broke out in a paint factory in Dandenong South

A massive fire broke out in a paint factory in Melbourne’s southeast Dandenong and faces an out-of-control fire in an industrial estate. Fire rescuers have shifted four people to a nearby hospital as a result of a fire outburst.

One factory worker has gone missing after an uncontrollable fire blasted through a paint company. Fire extinguishers are still battling the fire after it broke out.

Fire Authorities and High Alerts

More than 120 firefighters and 30 appliances reached the incident place when Dandenong South company caught fire at noon today. Authorities closed Superior Drive and Hammond Road as a paint factory is burning on Superior Drive. They urged the residents of Dandenong South, Bangholme, and Lyndhurst to immediately seek shelter.

A massive fire broke out in a paint factory in Dandenong South

A spokesperson for Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) said crews were still on the burning point battling the fire blaze. Two firefighters received minor injuries while two factory workers were sent to the hospital.

According to an FRV spokesperson, they believe one factory worker is missing. A watch and act advice message is still in place.

Social media users shared images and videos of dense flames of smoke rising from the burned factory. 3AW Melbourne broadcast shared dramatic footage of some of the flames overflowing over the buildings as one car anxiously stops to shoot the terrible scenes.

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FRV issued an alert for the residents of Bangholme, Dandenong South, and Lyndhurst. The alert states the fire is out of control. The advisory warns that strong winds are spreading smoke to the south of the fire.

Anyone in the Dandenong South industrial estate bordering Hammond Road should seek shelter indoors immediately. It advises people to keep pets indoors and to keep roads clear for emergency vehicles.

The alert also advises everyone in this region to close outside outdoors, windows, and vents and to switch off heating and cooling systems.

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