The Pig The Snake and the Pigeon leads China box office

The Pig The Snake and the Pigeon leads China box office

The Pig The Snake and the Pigeon leads China box office

Taiwanese action movie The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon leads the box office in China as the biggest hit. According to China Movie Data, this film earned 48.54 million yuan ($6.83 million) on the third day of its debut.

The Chinese internet ticketing portal Maoyan statistics showed the box office reached 100 million yuan ($14.07 million) on Sunday afternoon. The total box office collection has reached 159.98 million yuan including Sunady’s earnings.

It was closely followed by the realistic Chinese drama ” Article 20″ which has made approximately 33.01 million yuan. Article 20 ranked second. However, the Domestic comedy-drama “Pegasus 2” ranked third with a daily income of 31.31 million yuan.

However, the Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon is a crime thriller that fascinates the Chinese audience with its dark comedy and thrills and leads the China box office collection. It portrays a narrative of gang criminality, violence, religion, and self-redemption.

Click here to read the updates on Chinese movies leading global office with $1.1 billion earnings

A Hong Kong Director, Wong Ching-po, directed this movie. Taiwanese actor Ethan Juan played the main role of a wanted criminal (Chen Kui-lin). The film story revolves around him who believes his life is over. So, he takes motivation to take down the two major criminals on the wanted list in front of him. He wants to establish a name for himself.

The film follows a notorious criminal in disguise Chen Kui-lin who suffered from fatal cancer and got six months to survive. However, Chen is the third most wanted criminal in Taiwan. Hence, he chooses to track down and eliminate the top two criminals to benefit society.

However, it is one of the few released Taiwanese films in Chinese theatres in recent years. The film received great reviews since its debut and its popularity has grown since its formal release on March 1, 2024, in China. However, it was first released in Taiwan in 2023.

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