Ripe fruits smell may prevent cancer cells growth, new study shows

Ripe fruits smell may prevent cancer cells growth

Ripe fruits smell may prevent cancer cells growth, new study shows

New research shows the smell of ripe fruits or fermented meals may prevent the growth of cancer cells. According to the research, scents from ripening fruits can cause changes in gene expression inside cells far beyond the nose.

This research made scientists wonder if smelling volatile compounds in the air could be a way to treat cancer or slow down neurodegenerative diseases.

Anandasankar Ray is a cell and molecular biologist at the University of California (UC) Riverside and the senior lead author of this research.

According to Anandasankar, the fact is that exposure to smell can directly modify gene expression, even in tissues without odorant receptors. Odorant receptors are specialized proteins found on the cell’s surface in the nose responsible for detecting different smells or odors.

The researchers treated fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) and mice with different levels of diacetyl smells for 5 days. Diacetyl is a volatile chemical produced by yeast while fermenting fruit.

People also used diacetyl previously to give foods like popcorn a buttery smell. It also exists in some e-cigarettes today. It is also a byproduct of fermentation.

The scientists discovered that diacetyl can block histone deacetylase (HDAC) in lab-grown human cells. It causes widespread changes in gene expression in flies and mice. It includes cells in the brains, lungs, and noses of animals.

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HDACs are enzymes that help wrap DNA around proteins called histones (genes) tightly. Hence, it stops allowing gene expression more quickly. Scientists also already use HDAC inhibitors to treat blood cancers. In this regard, the smell of ripe fruits may prevent the growth of cancer cells in the human body.

However, this research is not a new concept to think about giving medicine through the nose, but this is a significant step from previous trials in cells, flies, and mice.

There is a chance of unexpected health hazards owing to chemical diacetyl. Hence, additional research is necessary to explore the long-term consequences of this study.

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