OpenAI board fires CEO Sam Altman in a surprise move

OpenAI board fires CEO Sam Altman

OpenAI board fires CEO Sam Altman in a surprise move

Renowned Artificial Intelligence chatbot namely ChatGPT maker OpenAI board fires CEO Sam Altman. The company board dismissed him on 17th Nov 2023.

The board stated that it has lost confidence in the abilities of Mr. Sam to lead the company. So they have fired him.

Why did the OpenAI board fire Sam Altman as CEO?

The board cited a deliberative review process that concluded that Mr.Sam was not “consistently candid with his communications” which prevented his ability to carry out his responsibilities.

The board has no longer confidence in the ability of Sam to lead OpenAI. With the departure of Mr. Sam, the board has appointed the chief technology officer Mira Murati as interim CEO of OpenAI.

Mr. Sam wrote on X that he enjoyed his time at the company. It was life-transforming for him and hopefully, for the rest of the world. Most importantly with such talented people. He added he will have more to say about what’s coming up later.

OpenAI board fires CEO Sam Altman

The news of Mr. Sam’s dismissal sent shockwaves through the industry. President and co-founder of OpenAI Greg Brockman wrote on X that he and Sam are shocked and saddened at the decision of the board.

Even Greg has resigned as chairman of OpenAI following the dismissal of Mr.Sam. However, Mr.Greg will remain part of the company but he has to report to the CEO about what role he will carry.

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Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt named Mr. Sam a “hero of mine” and said he built a company from nothing to $90 billion and changed their collective world forever.

Who are members of the OpenAI Board?

The board of OpenAI consists of chief scientist Ilya Sutskever and independent directors Quora, and CEO Adam D’Angelo. As well as technology entrepreneur Tasha McCauley and Georgetown Center for Security and Emerging Technology’s Helen Toner.

OpenAI, the creator of the ChatGPT bot, is riding a wave of excitement about artificial intelligence. Mr.Sam played a crucial role in the development of the company.

Mr.Sam also became a kind of spokesperson for broadening the AI industry before Congress this year about new standards for Artificial Intelligence. He expressed concerns about AI development and the need for proper security. He made an appeal to members of Congress for AI development.

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