NASA discovered the dancing of two galaxies

NASA discovered the dancing of two galaxies

NASA discovered the dancing of two galaxies

NASA discovered the dancing of two galaxies as NASA Hubble managed to catch this dance between two galaxies. These galaxies, which are in the constellation Tucana and interact gravitationally, are located 500 million light-years from Earth.⁣

The pair of interacting galaxies is called Arp-Madore. It is a group of unusual galaxies. Not just two, but three galaxies exist. If you look at the upper arm of the smaller galaxy in the lower right corner of the picture, you can see the structure that resembles a knot-like structure.

NASA discovered the dancing of two galaxies

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Astronomers have found it difficult to distinguish between objects in space. They are one, several, or positioned in front of one another as viewed from Earth. By examining the velocity and direction, astronomers were able to identify the third knot-like galaxy. This is because redshift indicates that light shifts toward the red portion of the spectrum. It makes it a distinct object.

A pair of spiral galaxies exist in the above picture. In the center, where a bar runs lengthwise, each galaxy glows brilliantly. The upper one has two thin rings formed by its arms, and it is rounder. The lower galaxy is more elliptical with its arms forming a single outer ring. A third object shows a dusty knot on top of its upper arm. Where galaxies are close together, gravity draws together gas and dust there. A vast number of tiny galaxies surround them on a dark background.⁣

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