Mysterious L-shaped structure near Egyptian pyramids confuse scientists

Mysterious L-shaped structure

Mysterious L-shaped structure near Egyptian pyramids confuse scientists

Archaeologists have found a mysterious L-shaped structure underground in the western Giza cemetery near Egyptian pyramids. This structure has left archaeologists confused regarding its origin. 

According to a scientific report, the remains of high-ranking officials and royal family members are in the Western cemetery. This cemetery refers to the Cemetery of Nobles or the Cemetery of the Pyramid Builders. It is located on the western bank of the Nile River, showing an ancient burial site.

Several tombs with rectangular stone or mud-brick buildings are above ground and have flat roofs in this cemetery. These are “mastabas.”

The archaeologist’s team found remains in the underlying structure of the cemetery using remote sensing technologies. They used electrical resistivity tomography to examine further remains in an underground cemetery.

Electrical resistivity is a geophysical imaging method used to examine the subsurface characteristics of Earth, including rock distribution, soils, groundwater, and artificial structures. It sends current signals into the ground. Hence, scientists detect underlying structures based on the current’s movement.

However, archaeologists detected an unusual current movement of approximately 6.5 feet using electrical resistivity tomography below the surface. It indicated the existence of some different kind of structure. 

After more research, they found a mysterious L-shaped structure with a minimum length of 33 feet. It was entirely different from other remains in a cemetery. 

However, the journal Archaeological Prospection has published this research study. This structure appears to have backfilled after its construction. Backfilling refers to the process of filling excavated areas around a structure. 

The research team of Archaeologists has also started the excavation to find out the origin of the mysterious structure. They believe this structure could be a mixture of sand or gravel or simply an air void. 

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However, it does not appear to be naturally formed. Also, it does not show a similar human construction to other structures or remains in the underground royal cemetery.

An air void is a space or cavity created within the structure filled with air instead of solid material like sand or gravel. However, this structure appears to be a puzzling piece for the research team to solve. 

Moreover, it has a sharp shape, which makes researchers believe this structure is not natural. They speculate that there are some unnatural factors behind it. However, what exactly they are is not known yet.  

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