PTI candidate Rehan Zeb Khan shot in Bajaur in election campaign

PTI candidate Rehan Zeb Khan shot

PTI candidate Rehan Zeb Khan shot in Bajaur in election campaign

A PTI supporter, Rehan Zeb Khan, running as an independent candidate from the NA-8 constituency shot dead in Siddiq Abad Phatak Bazaar area, Bajaur. Unidentified gunmen opened reckless fire on him and his supporters during the election campaign.

The gunshot left four people wounded, including Rehan Zeb Khan. But later on, PTI candidate Rehan Zeb Khan died of wounds owing to a shot in hospital. Zeb Khan was in his vehicle for the door-to-door campaign when attackers launched an open fire on him.

Police officer Abdul Razzaq reported it to Arab News. Abdul stated that a police force arrived at the scene shortly after putting down the protest. People were protesting over the shot incident in Bajaur.

The PTI provincial spokesperson Ikram Katana condemned the incident in a statement. Ikram said that terrorist attacks on PTI candidates and its public gatherings raise a big question mark on the credibility and transparency of elections.

Meanwhile, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has strongly condemned the death of Rehan Zeb Khan. HRCP believed it was a targeted killing incident.

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In a statement, HRCP also raised significant concern over the situation. It stated that HRCP is increasingly alarmed by the rise of violence. The terrorists have targeted the PTI in Sibi, the PPP in Quetta, and the NDM in North Warizatan in just one month of January.

The latest attack on PTI just came after a day when a bomb blast blasted through a PTI election rally in Sibi, Balochistan, on Jan 30, 2024 evening. According to police, the bomb blast resulted in the deaths of four people and injured five others.

PTI candidate Saddam Tareen for NA 253 was leading the gathering on Jinnah Road when a bomb exploded. However, Saddam survived the attack. The injured were taken to the Sibi District Headquarters (DHQ) hospital for immediate medical care.

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