DI Khan terrorist attacks caused casualties of security forces

DI Khan terrorist attacks caused casualties of security forces

DI Khan terrorist attacks caused casualties of security forces

Two terrorist attacks at Daraban Police Station and Kulachi College in the territory of Dera Ismail (DI) Khan caused casualties of security forces and civilians.

The first attack targeted the Daraban police station in Dera Ismail Khan martyring three soldiers and injuring around 15 or more. The terrorists drove an explosive-laden car into the main gate of the police station at around 3 a.m. It caused widespread panic and anarchy.

Police officials have identified Havaldar Riyasat and Sepoy Zulfiqar as martyred soldiers. The attack included both shooting and a large explosion. However, police and security forces prompted a quick response to the attack. They rushed towards the police station and launched an operation.

Emergency declared in DI Khan

Dera Ismail administration has declared an emergency in the city hospitals as authorities expect the death to rise. They have closed Schools, markets, and other institutions in Dera Ismail Khan’s Daraban district.

DI Khan terrorist attacks caused casualties of security forces

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Terrorists later attacked Kulachi College in the surrounding region. In retaliation, security forces killed three terrorists while one official received martyrdom in the exchange of fire.

Sarfaraz Ahmad Bugti strongly condemned the terrorist attack on the security forces unit in DI Khan. The interim minister Sarfraz expressed his deep condolences and his great regret and distress over the sacrifice of security professionals in the terrorist attack.

He stated that terrorists would never be successful in their horrific actions. Bugti declared and emphasized that the entire nation stands shoulder to shoulder with the security forces in their fight against terrorism.

The district of DI Khan has seen an increase in terror attacks in recent weeks. Earlier, a bomb attack on police in the district killed six people. According to police officials, the explosive exploded near the route of a police patrol in the city.

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