Earth’s mysterious Alaska triangle where over 20,000 people disappeared

Earth's mysterious Alaska triangle

Earth’s mysterious Alaska triangle where over 20,000 people disappeared

Do you know Earth’s mysterious Alaska triangle has disappeared more than 20,000 people? You must have heard about the Bermuda Triangle, famous for mysteriously making anything that passes through it disappear.

But apart from that, Earth also possesses an “Alaska Triangle,” located near the northern coastal city of Utqiagvik. It has remained a mystery following the disappearance of more than 20,000 people.

Since the early 1970s, more than 20,000 people have suddenly disappeared in this large triangle because of which the population in this place is low.

Alaska Triangle has disappeared more than 20,000 people

According to statistics, the Alaska Triangle has reported double the national average of disappearance instances and an average of 2,250 persons have been vanishing every year.

Some prominent persons also went missing in this triangle including two politicians. One is US House Majority Leader Thomas Hale Boggs Sr and another is Alaska Congressman Nick Begich.

They were flying in aircraft with Begich’s assistant Russell Brown and pilot Don Jonz from Anchorage to Juneau on October 16, 1972. They suddenly vanished out of the sky.

Their bodies and plane remained unfound even after a thorough search. However, several other people who disappeared had their bones discovered later.

Gary Frank Sotherden, 25-years-old had also disappeared while hunting in an isolated region in the 1970s. Twenty years later, a human skull was found in northeastern Alaska near the Porcupine River.

Little population exists in the area near the Alaska Triangle due to the mysterious disappearance

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After DNA testing in 2022, researchers found that the skull belonged to Gary. A bear probably killed But what causes disappearances in Earth’s mysterious Alaska triangle?

Some theories show exceptional magnetic activity in the Alaska Triangle or a high concentration of extraterrestrial aliens or supernatural creatures that may cause disappearance.

Some suggest an abundance of wildness and natural hazards in this vast area may lead to people’s disappearances. However, Earth’s mysterious Alaska triangle still remains an unsolving puzzle to find the exact cause of disappearances.

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