UK Woman Prison Officer charged for having sex with prisoner

UK Woman Prison Officer charged

UK Woman Prison Officer charged for having sex with prisoner

Uxbridge Magistrate’s Court charged a UK woman prison officer, Linda De Sousa Abreu, for having sex with a prisoner. This incident happened at HMP Wandsworth jail, south-west London.

This charge came after a sex video of Linda with a prisoner went viral on social media. Linda is a 30-year-old resident of Fulham. She is accused of misconduct in public service.

Following the viral video appearance on the internet, the Metropolitan Police opened an inquiry against her. This video showed Linda in full official uniform before doing the alleged misconduct of sexual activity with the prisoner.

Linda’s explicit video clip image of intimating with a prisoner

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police stated they launched an investigation against accused officer Linda on June 28, 2024, after high-ranked officers came to know about the sex video.

However, charged UK woman Prison officer Linda De Sousa Abreu will appear today in Uxbridge court for further proceedings against her. The accused officer is also a married woman. The identity of the prisoner is unknown.

It is significant to note that HMP Wandsworth jail has also previously remained in the limelight due to its lack of discipline and order. One such incident happened in September 2023 when a prisoner, Daniel Khalife, went missing from HMP Wandsworth jail.

The prisoner Daniel Khalife

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Daniel is a 22-year-old former Royal Signals (UK military) soldier. He tried to escape by attaching himself to the underside of a food delivery van. Plainclothes counterterrorism officer later caught him in Chiswick after four days of escape.

However, Daniel pleaded not guilty to charges that he ran from jail. Hence, his trial will held at Center Criminal Court, Old Bailey, in October 2024. He is facing three charges, including the Terrorism Act, the Criminal Law Act, and the Official Secrets Act.

His imprisonment came in response to charges against him for gathering information or trying to gain data in August 2021 that could be helpful to a potential terrorist.

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