Transporters protest with 100 thousand units in Mexico for their rights

Transporters protest at 100 thousand units

Transporters protest with 100 thousand units in Mexico for their rights

Transporters protest with 100 thousand units across Mexico to ensure road safety and stop government extortions against the transport union. Transporters from Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Veracruz, Chiapas, Queretaro, Campeche, Nayarit, and the State of Mexico held peaceful rallies.

Many rallies of transporters gathered in the afternoon to demand that the Mexican government stop attacks and extortions against the transport union on various federal routes.

The National President of Conductores Unidos (Transport Union), David Munoz, stated transporters used 100 thousand units to protest against violence and fraudulent practices of the Mexican government.

According to David, transporters held peaceful protests in different parts of Mexico Country. The protestors will meet with federal officials and Mexican Federal Police National Guard members today to express their concerns.

David also stated they would describe some points to them for following a strategy. Their purpose is to provide the transporters with security while traveling on the roads. Road insecurity has increased by more than 60% since 2021. Crime rates have risen, including theft of motor vehicles and murders of drivers.

Furthermore, David said they already have missing colleagues while the Mexican government has not provided them with the results. According to David, 46 attacks on drivers occur on average daily across Mexico.

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There was an issue of insecurity, but not to this extent. The increased violence is due to the lack of coordination of the National Guards. As well as due to poor strategy, and a lack of budget of National Guards.

In addition to road insecurity, the transporters urge the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications, and Transportation (SICT) to stop corruption. The transporters are extorted on numerous occasions without justification by a well-established network of corruption.

The local administrators violate the human rights of drivers. They impose unjustified sanctions on them, particularly in the port area of Coastzacoalas, Veracruz. In this regard, the transporter protestors demand that SICT stop the corrupt port administration from charging transporters and drivers illegally for regulations that do not exist.

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