Terrifying plane crash at Barwon Heads Airport

Terrifying plane crash at Barwon Heads Airport

Terrifying plane crash at Barwon Heads Airport

A terrifying plane crash happened at Barwon Heads Airport near Geelong in Victoria today Friday morning.

It was a skydiving plane that appeared to overshoot the runway and crashed just meters from Lake Connewarre during takeoff. In this plane crash seems the pilot changed the course left over the lake and made a forced landing away from the water. It resulted in dozens of injured passengers.

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Emergency services reached the airport in Barwon Heads near Geelong at 7:50 a.m. when calls came through a plane had crashed during take-off. Paramedic staff attended ten people at the crash point.

Two dozen emergency personnel including firefighters and police assessed the crash point and helped the victims. An air ambulance was also spotted to boost emergency aid services.

Police initially told the media that five people have been taken to hospital for further medical treatment. Later on, Ambulance Victoria updated this figure to seven.

National Australian media reports that seven passengers have been taken to hospital after the plane got into difficulty. There were seventeen people including the pilot on the board at the time of the incident.

Terrifying plane crash at Barwon Heads Airport

Among the injured passengers, a thirty-year-old man suffering from upper body injuries was airlifted to the Alfred Hospital. The other seriously injured patients were taken to Geelong by ambulance.

Victorian MP survived a plane crash

A Victorian MP, Paul Edbrooke is also among eight injured passengers who survived the plane crash along with 16 other people. Mr Edbrooke, state Labor MP for Frankston was among skydivers who departed Barwon Heads Airport before 8 a.m.

About a minute after take-off, the plane crash-landed at a Leopolf field in the southwest of Melbourne. Mr Edbrooke is an enthusiastic skydiver who had the intention to have a morning skydiving session before work. Unfortunately, he got injured and returned to the airport.

While speaking from hospital, Edbrooke told ABC that he is feeling extremely lucky after surviving a plane crash. He told he was generally not a believer in miracles but today he has made an exception. He said, “I think I just witnessed a miracle.”

Victoria Police said it is understood that the skydiving plane got into difficulty and the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing near Lake Connewarre.

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