School Federal Polytechnic denies negligence in pregnant student’s death

School Federal Polytechnic denies negligence

School Federal Polytechnic denies negligence in pregnant student’s death

School named Federal Polytechnic, Illaro denies allegations of negligence in pregnant student’s (Ajayi Abimbola Adejoke) death. Ajayi was a higher national diploma student in the Leisure and Tourism Department.

Ajayi died on April 25, 2024. It was previously reported that she died due to the school clinic’s negligence. Meanwhile, reports going viral on some social media platforms alleging the school clinic’s negligence behind this sad and tragic death.

However, the administration of Federal Polytechnic today released a statement that Ajayi did not die due to the school clinic’s carelessness. It came after some students at the school attributed the death of Ajayi to the negligence of the school clinic staff.

They claimed the school clinic demanded Ajayi Abimbola Adejoke show a clinic card before giving her immediate medical treatment. They said that the extra fifteen minutes that were spent on this moment. It made the survival chance of Ajayi more difficult and she ultimately died.

After 15 minutes, the school clinic referred Ajayi to the Ore Ofe and Maternity Clinic in Ilaro where she passed away a few minutes later. However, the management of School Federal Polytechnic denies negligence while dealing with Ajayi’s case.

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The school cited medical papers acquired from the institution’s Director of Medical Services in its defense. Those papers clearly stated Ajayi died due to pregnancy-related complications instead of the school clinic’s negligence in not providing her immediate medical treatment.

According to Federal Polytechnic, the boyfriend of Ajayi brought her to the school clinic. When the clinic realized it might not be able to treat her properly. Then, it referred her to a private hospital outside the school. The ambulance from the school clinic picked her up to take her to Ore Ofe and Maternity Clinic.

Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. J.O. Omowunmi confirmed that the parents of deceased student Ajayi have received her dead body.

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