Indonesian President son keeps legacy for Presidential Election

Indonesian President son keeps legacy for presidential election

Indonesian President son keeps legacy for Presidential Election

Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s son, Gibran keeps his legacy for the vice presidential election. Widodo cannot stand for election again as he is in charge.

So, the presidential race of Indonesia starts with the son of Widodo who is carrying his legacy. Gibran Rakabuming Raka is already a mayor of Javan city of Sukarta, Indonesia. Today he flew to Jakarta ahead of the selection for vice presidential election against mate Prabowo Subianto.

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Constitutional Court Greenlights Gibran’s Presidential Run

Gibran is thirty-six years old and does not meet the requirement of forty to become president or vice president of Indonesia. So, the chief justice of the constitutional court of Indonesia, Anwar Usman led a sitting bench of nine judges to hear out this matter. This panel of judges decided to let Gibran run for vice presidential election.

The court ruled that younger candidates could also stand for elections if they held elected regional office. It is important to mention that Justice Usman is the brother-in-law of Indonesian President Widodo.

Indonesian President son keeps legacy for presidential election

The election forerunner and opponent of Gibran for the vice presidential election, Prabowo Subianto is also the defense minister.

Gibran has not himself formally announced a run. His father Widodo said on his YouTube channel this week that he doesn’t want to give an opinion on the decision of the constitutional court. Because it could be misunderstood as though he is interfering with the judicial authority.

The Indonesian President is popularly known as Jokowi in Indonesia. He is a former furniture maker who grew up in a riverside shack in a Javanese village. He remains an extraordinarily popular leader at the end of his second and final term. The Financial Times reports that the economy of Indonesia has grown by over 5% under his rule.

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