Five people charged after pro-Palestinian protests in London

Five people charged after pro-Palestinian protests in London

Five people charged after pro-Palestinian protests in London

UK Metropolitan Police said that five people were charged after pro-Palestinian protests held in London on Sunday, Oct 29, 2023.

The police arrested a total of nine people on Oct 28 and two people on Oct 29. They accused two of the suspicious protestors who assaulted police officers. And seven have allegations of public order offenses.

Police have charged five out of these nine arrested people for extremism offenses. These charged people are Kadirul Islam, Emma Turvey, Atif Sharif, Laura Davis, and an anonymous. The first three people are above 30 years old age while Laura and the unidentified boy are younger people. Police didn’t disclose the identity of the 16-year-old boy due to his age.

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These arrests happened as a result of thousands of people protesting on London streets against Israel to stop bombing Gaza amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has faced criticism for handling the widespread pro-Palestinian protests. Now, he has called for clarity from the UK government on extremism after facing backlash of their policing of the protests.

Five people charged after pro-Palestinian protests in London

Sir Mark said legal definitions of extremism have limited police officers. So, he would support a review of the definition and how it should be policed.

He said that there is a lot to do with terrorism and hate crime. But they don’t have a body of law that deals with extremism. And it is creating a gap. So, he calls for clarity from the UK government on “extremism”.

Many people took out to the streets of London to stop bombing Gaza since Oct 7, 2023, as the war initiated between Israel and Hamas. Following these protests, UK police have carried out several arrests and even charged some for public order offenses.

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