Possible location of ninth planet discovered in the Solar System

Possible location of ninth planet discovered

Possible location of ninth planet discovered in the Solar System

Astronomers have discovered the possible location of the ninth planet in the Solar System where it could be hiding. Scientists have been investigating the supposed ninth planet for decades due to the mysterious migration of objects toward the border of our Solar System.

Researchers have found that some objects near the boundary of the Solar System, well beyond the orbit of a dwarf planet, Pluto behave as if something yet unknown pushed it around, which is most likely another planet.

Discovering this item means scientists discovered the possible location of the ninth planet. It could also help them better understand the composition, origin, and evolutionary processes of the Solar System.

Astronomers have been analyzing data from Hawaii’s Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). It is a collaborative astronomical observation system based at Haleak Observatory to identify this planet. However, this research has yet to be published.

Researchers have now narrowed down prospective sites for the imaginary planet by removing over 80% of those identified in past studies. Research co-author Mike Brown told Universe Today that there is too much clear evidence that Planet Nine is present.

Possible location of ninth planet discovered

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According to Mike, the solar system is difficult to understand without planet nine. Planet Nine explains many things about the orbits of objects in the outer solar system. That would be otherwise unexplainable and would each need a separate explanation.

The new evidence in the upcoming study shows if planet nine exists. Possibly, it is most likely the fifth-largest planet in the Solar System. Scientists believe it could be the only planet in our solar system with a mass between that of Earth and Uranus.

They hope that a study will be done soon by the Vera Rubin Observatory. It will also help them narrow down the possible location of the ninth planet.

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