Mystery of Black Death which killed over 50 million people

Mystery of Black Death

Mystery of Black Death which killed over 50 million people

The most significant mystery dominated the 13th century with the emergence of the black death which killed between 30 and 50 percent of the world’s population.

The black death originated in China, northern Africa, the Mediterranean, southern England, northern Britain, and Scandinavia (Europe) in the early to mid-13th century. Hence, the real culprit in the massive human extinction from the planet was the Bubonic plague.

The plague killed between 75 and 200 million people worldwide. The epidemic spread quickly with symptoms of high fever, obvious rashes, and swellings in the armpits and groin which became black and burst, releasing pus and bacteria. The plague victim died after some days of suffering from these symptoms.

So, the catastrophic epidemic triggered a socioeconomic and genetic revolution in Europe, which changed the dynamics of history. When the Bubonic plague hit Europe in the mid-13th century, no one knew the mystery of black death.

However, some people considered it as divine vengeance for the sinful ways of Earth’s inhabitants possibly the end of the world. Others blamed Jews, outsiders, tourists, and sick people. European people mistreated and exiled them to protect themselves from the plague.

Mystery of Black Death

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Mothers abandoned spouses and children or vice versa for fear of getting the disease. Few people, except those in religious orders, risked attending to the sick people. Even if people found people unwell, they burned down their homes sometimes.

But, the question is how did this plague originate? The epidemic can be traced back to the Mongol Empire in Asia. The bacterium, Yersinia pestis causes it. It spreads from rodents (rats) to humans through fleas.

However, the bacterium Yersinia pestis enters the body through the bite and moves through the lymphatic system. The bacterium duplicates itself in the lymph node, which makes it swell, painful, and tighten up. This is called a bubo, so the epidemic is named bubonic plague.

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