Hungry Black hole eats one sun daily to satisfy its stellar appetite

Hungry Black hole eats one sun daily

Hungry Black hole eats one sun daily to satisfy its stellar appetite

Scientists find the fastest-growing hungry black hole eats one sun daily at the Australian National University (ANU). They have discovered the most rapidly evolving black hole ever recorded, eating the equivalent of one sun daily.

Lead author and Associate Professor Christian Wolf of ANU believes the record of growing black holes will never end. The incredible growth rate also means an enormous release of light and heat. So, this is also the brightest known object in the cosmos. It is 500 trillion times brighter than the Sun.

Co-author Dr. Christopher Onken said it is surprising it went undetected until now, given what they know about many other, less remarkable black holes. It was hiding in clear sight.

The mass of black holes is around 17 billion times that of their solar system’s sun. Scientists discovered it using a 2.3-meter telescope at the ANU Siding Spring Observatory near Coonabarabran, New South Wales.

The researchers next used one of the world’s largest telescopes, the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, to establish the entire nature and mass of black holes.

Hungry Black hole eats one sun daily

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Professor Rachel Webster of the University of Melbourne stated the light from this black hole traveled over 12 billion years to reach them. In the early stages, stuff moved chaotically in the universe, fueling a hungry black hole that eats one Sun daily.

However, stars move in organized formations at safe distances, rarely colliding with black holes today. The accretion disk surrounding the black holes emits strong radiations. Hence, it serves as a holding pattern for all material waiting to be consumed.

According to Professor Christian, it looks like a gigantic magnetic storm cell with temperatures of 10,000 degrees Celcius. It spreads light everywhere and blows winds so fast they would go around Earth in a second.

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