First space hotel with bars and cinemas will be launched in 2027

First space hotel

First space hotel with bars and cinemas will be launched in 2027

The Gateway Foundation announced that its first space hotel “Voyager Station” with bars and cinemas will be launched in 2027. So, if you are looking forward to the day when technology breakthroughs allow you to take a vacation in space. Then, you will have to wait for three days.

Orbital Assembly Corporation will construct 50,000 square-meter Voyager Station. It will have a capacity of 440 guests with a revolving hotel to provide the station with a gravity equal to one-sixth that of Earth.

The space hotel will accommodate 440 guests

Senior design architect Tim Alatorre revealed during the project’s early planning stages that space travel will just be another option people will take for their holiday, just like going on a cruise or visiting Disney World.

However, most people believe that space tourism will only be accessible to really wealthy people since the prices are still so high. While there are claims that Gateway Foundation wants to make space travel affordable for everyone.

It will begin construction on a 200-meter diameter outer ring structure that will be connected to a network after constructing its center. It is an unpressurized ring structure with a docking hub at its heart.

The docking is the process of joining two separate spacecraft that are flying free in space. Hence, it will be a large spacecraft with 24 habitation modules that include living rooms and dining areas, exercise centers.

Voyager Station will be a revolving hotel

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Moreover, bars, staff quarters, and even pods for scientific research will also be part of the first space hotel. The company claims that the space hotel will resemble a typical hotel on their small blue planet.

According to the Gateway Foundation, they will utilize neutral colors that will give it the feel of a luxury hotel. The architect Tim stated Stanley Kubrick’s Space Station 5 is a clean, white, and museum-style hotel in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Tim said it was an obviously modern atmosphere in the film. But, it wasn’t a particularly welcoming setting. Because humans have a natural preference for natural materials and colors. So, they will create the first space hotel keeping in consideration human nature.

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